Not sure why your emails
end up in Spam?

We provide evidence-based answers and simple customized solutions 

How Inboxbooster works

step 1


Test any new templates or campaigns with Inboxbooster

step 2


We diagnose the root cause when emails go to spam or promotion

step 3


Implement the changes recommended by Inboxbooster

step 4


Most deliverability issues are resolved after 2-3 cycles

Why Inboxbooster?


When you send to a test address too many times the spam filter infers what the address likes to receive. This training effect corrupts most inbox placement tests on the market. Using our patented algorithm, we ensure the addresses we use stay ‘neutral’. That’s why we only need two addresses for our tests.

We systematically alter various components of your email to identify precisely why it lands in the spam folder. By using our patented algorithm, we pinpoint the root cause of your deliverability issue.

Our iterative approach queries spam filters to understand why your emails end up in spam. That’s why every solution we provide is backed by concrete evidence.

Sending emails to the inbox is a science not an art. There  is always a solution. Inboxbooster will find it for you.


Designed to make your email game stronger

About Us

We are a proud three-person company.

Nicolas Toper


Nicolas is a deliverability expert with over 20 years of experience. He co-founded an email delivery company and delivered more than 500 billion emails.

Marcus Engene


Marcus is a recognized CTO who co-founded Pond5, a company acquired for $200M by ShutterStock. He holds several key patents in visual machine learning.

Zach Cohen

Customer Success

Zach is our dedicated customer success specialist with customer experience in education and recruiting. Get started, run a free inbox placement test at and let’s discuss your results!